
  • Л. В. Центило National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



chernozem typical, microbocenosis of the soil, fertilization, soil cultivation


Chernozem typical non-humic, organic and mineral fertilizers, methods of cultivating soil. Field,
laboratory, statistical. To study the changes in the number of microorganisms of the main ecological and
trophic groups, the intensity of the mineralization processes of black soil typical for different cultivation
and fertilization of the soil. The relevance and importance of the study of microbial cenosis of the soil in
order to evaluate the efficiency of application of systems of basic cultivation and fertilization has been
analyzed. The state of microbiocenosis of the soil is studied on the basis of the number of microorganisms
responsible for the transformation of nitrogen compounds and their correlations in chernozem soils. The
orientation of microbiological processes of typical black soil is established in the conditions of anthropogenic
loading on the environment and different technologies of soil cultivation and fertilization. The
use of compost in combination with mineral fertilizers increases the total microbial population of the soil
and creates conditions for increasing the mobilization processes, compared with the ones where fertilizers
were not introduced. This pattern is well observed in the variants where the field cultivation of the soil is
applied under crop rotation crops.

Author Biography

Л. В. Центило, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Agriculture Sciences


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