
  • Т. М. Пономаренко Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • Г. М. Вовкодав Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine



composition of emissions into atmosphere, quarry, crushing and sorting, inorganic dust, polluting substances


The state of the atmosphere near the location of JSC «Kirovogradgranit» reflects the increase in the
man-caused load, which determines the process of its degradation. The work evaluates the influence of
«Kirovogradgranit» CJSC on the state of the atmosphere during the processes of overflushing in a career
within the Dobrovelichkovsky district of the Kirovograd region. The purpose of the study is to assess
the impact of pollutants entering the atmosphere during the processes of overflushing in the company’s
career for its work on the full (design) power. The object of the study is quantitative and qualitative composition
of emissions into the atmosphere, which are formed during processes overeating on an example
JSC «Kirovogradgranit». The scientific contribution is to improve the current calculation methodology
the volume of evacuation during the mildew and overeating and in checking the calculations. Initial data
provided by the laboratory of JSC Kirovogradgranit Pomichnyansky quarry on sources of emissions and
composition emissions into the atmosphere, which are formed during processes overflushing at the plant
for the period from 2012 to 2016. Normative-technical documentation provided by the Environmental
Protection Department of JSC «Kirovogradgranit». Quantitative and qualitative assessments of the
amount of emissions into the atmosphere that are generated during the processes overeating performed
according to valid methods. According to the results, we can conclude about suitability or non-suitability
technological equipment, which is operated on the industrial site, it corresponds to the current sanitary and
hygienic norms and requirements or not. Data analysis shows that a significant reduction in the volumes
of inorganic dust containing SiO2 70–20%, from the sources of basic production can be provided under the condition of application of irrigation of the rock mass during crushing, as well as in the provision of dust suppression and the transport of mines by dump trucks from the quarry to the crushing and sorting production.

Author Biographies

Т. М. Пономаренко, Odessa State Environmental University


Г. М. Вовкодав, Odessa State Environmental University

Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences


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