
  • І. О. Новаковська National Aviation University, Ukraine
  • Н. Ф. Іщенко Postgraduate, Ukraine




land use, road transport, highways, roadside stripes, environment


The main indicators of the road transport’s estimation of operation in the structure of other transport modes have been investigated. Also it has been considered the main factors of road transport influence on the biosphere components. The main sources of environmental pollution by road transport, including roadside buses, have been analyzed, proposals for improvement of the environmental component of road transport land use. Taking into account that the process of development of transport infrastructure leads
to accelerated socio-economic, ecologically balanced country development. Herewith transport and roads are the framework for ensuring the state’s activity in general, therefore considerable attention is paid to the criteria of transport work. There are the volume of cargo transportation, cargo turnover, the ratio of transport modes in freight traffic, the volume of transportation of passengers, passenger traffic from the economic point of view and the impact of vehicles’ work and emlekorystuvannya roads negative impact
both on roadside strips and the environment as a whole, it will be leading to irreparable consequences. Considering that, on the one hand, road transport has a positive impact on economic indicators of the country’s development, and on the other hand, it negatively affects different ecological systems, ecologi cally safe land use has many problems. Solving these problems is impossible without constant attention and control of local governments and the state as a whole. Implementation of measures are necessary and would significantly affect the environmental situation in the road economy.

Author Biographies

І. О. Новаковська, National Aviation University

Doctor of economic science, Associate Professor

Н. Ф. Іщенко, Postgraduate

Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS


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