
  • Н. В. Комарова Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine



agro-resource potential, level of agroecological safety, commodity plant growing production, state of the environment, level of anthropogenic loading, balanced land use, agricultural land, soils, economic responsibility for soil condition


It is proved that increasing the level of anthropogenic loading on agroecosystem leads to negative destructive changes in the state of agricultural land, which poses a potential threat to the level of agroecological and food safety. Under of the existing organizational and economic conditions of commodity production in the crop production sector, there are no trends towards positive changes in the expansion of the complex of implementation of land conservation measures and the prudent attitude towards the use of agricultural land. Instead, the increase in profits and yields, the expansion of arable land in the
narrowing of the agricultural land provoke a decrease in the level of agro-ecological safety, the spread of erosion and degradation processes, the decrease of humus stocks and the level of fertility. In particular, according to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, in January–June 2018 Ukrainian agricultural exports amounted to $ 8.6 billion. The USA, and the total foreign trade turnover of agro-industrial products reached 11.3 billion dollars. USA, representing 23% of the total foreign trade turnover of Ukraine. However, despite the increase in the economic efficiency of the crop sub-sector of
agriculture, the scope and organization of the implementation of measures to restore and preserve agroresource potential require radical changes on scientifically grounded positions. The above was the basis for the choice of the purpose of the study — the systematization of agroecological safety factors, which, based on detailed confirmation of statistical reporting, substantiates a complex of measures not only for the protection of the land, but aimed at ensuring an acceptable level of agroecological safety. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical aspects of improving the organizational and economic conditions of land use in relation to the introduction of economic responsibility of growers of marketable crop production for a qualitative state of soils. The approach outlined in the work can be used as a strategic aspect of the development of state programs for the use and protection of soils on agricultural lands of national and regional levels. In addition, its implementation contributes to the intensification of the land reform in relation to the introduction of economic conversion of agricultural plots.

Author Biography

Н. В. Комарова, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS



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