
  • Л. М. Грановська National Academy Agrarian Sciences «Institute Irrigation Farming», Ukraine
  • К. С. Нижеголенко International University of Business and Law, Ukraine




ecologically balanced model, economic development, agrarian sector, agricultural enterprise, rural area, rural region, zone of irrigation, rational environmental use, users of environment, organizational and economic mechanism, instruments, efficiency of agricultural activity


Theoretical aspects of formation of ecologically balanced model of the rural areas economy development in the zone of irrigation were carried out by the study of theoretical, methodical and scientific-practical bases for formation and development of the model and mechanisms of its implementation in the system of regional environmental use. Methodological foundation of the study was formed by classic theses of environmental use economy, agrarian economy, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, and personal investigations. Methods of the study include systematic approach and analysis, historical, monographical, economic and statistical, systematic and structural, and graphical methods. The main constituent of agrarian sector is an enterprise, which uses available natural resources potential in order to produce competitive agricultural products. Formation of ecologically balanced economic development of an agrarian enterprise is not only a relevant but also a difficult issue. Determination of the minimum ecological standards for agricultural enterprises, development of the programs of rational use of natural resources together with corresponding economic indices is impossible without the integration of ecological limitations into the economic development of an agrarian enterprise, agrarian sector of the economy and rural areas. A strategy of the balancing interests, which is based on strategic directions of rural areas development, is determined by the corresponding requirements and limitations, namely: economic aims of agrarian enterprises and agrarian sector in general are regulated by ecological limitations, and ecological goals are fulfilled without economic restrictions. This is the best variant for the model of balancing interests in the process of economic development of agrarian sector of the economy and rural areas. Balancing of the model of economic development provides for the improvement in ecological policy, regulation of economic development through diversification of economic activity of the productive objects of rural area, improvement of legislative and normative basis and informational support of rural areas development. To implement the developed model there is a scientifically grounded organizational and economic mechanism with appropriate instruments by determination of principles of the mechanism formation, substantiation of organizational instruments of direct action and economic instruments of side action of ecological orientation considering sectoral and territorial approaches to the balancing ecological and economic development of rural areas.

Author Biographies

Л. М. Грановська, National Academy Agrarian Sciences «Institute Irrigation Farming»

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor

К. С. Нижеголенко, International University of Business and Law

Candidate of Economic Sciences


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