
  • Т. М. Микитин Rivne State Humanities University,



joint territorial communes, strategy of commune development, sustainable development, ecological marketing, green marketing, marketing og sustainable development


In Ukraine a territorial reform is taking place. The main task of the reform — the creation of the efficient local self-government and the territorial organization of power to render highly qualitative and available public services, the formation of institutions of direct people’s power, the satisfaction of interests of citizens in all spheres of vital functions on a corresponding territory, the coordination of state interests with territorial communes. Joint territorial communes are being formed.

The analysis of using financial mechanisms for implementing their tasks testifies to the fact that joint territorial communes pay little attention to nature protection and rational use of natural resources which are on the territory of communes. In 2017 at the expense of the State fund of regional development in Ukraine 803 projects had been carried out, and only 3 of them are projects of ecological direction.

It is proposed to use in the work of joint territorial communes the marketing of sustainable development as the process of planning and implementing the conception concerning prices formation, the advancement and realization of ideas of goods and services by way of exchange which will meet the purposes of consumers and contribubutes to the sustainable development of society. This kind of marketing had been suggested to be used by D.Fuller in 2000. Historic stages are given of the formation of sustainable marketing and of development of this direction in Ukraine. At present in Ukraine the marketing of sustainable development is not being used.

Joint communes develop their own strategies of development, plans of socio-economic development. It is necessary during its development to take into account the conception of saustainable development to provide for the rational use of natural resources of communes.

The use of instruments of marketing of sustainable development will help joint territorial communes to use with maximum efficiency their own available resources and to achieve the maximum result taking into account the needs of commune residents.

Author Biography

Т. М. Микитин, Rivne State Humanities University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management


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