
  • І. Ф. Карась Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine
  • Т. М. Коткова Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine
  • А. О. Піціль Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine



agricultural enterprises, land resources, land structure, acreage, culture


According to the law, land is known as the national wealth of Ukraine, as it is the main means of producing material goods for the needs of mankind. Despite the fact that the Zhytomyr region covers the fertile soils of the forest-steppe zone, their use is not always optimal. Determining the efficiency of agricultural land use by agricultural producers in the region is currently very relevant and defines the purpose of our research.

It is established that in the territory of Zhytomyr agricultural land makes 1510.0 thousand hectares, of which 73.6% is arable. This figure is slightly less than the average for Ukraine. However, it is possible to further increase the area’s plowing rate due to overfishing. There are various types of agricultural enterprises operating in the Zhytomyr region, the vast majority of which are farms (56,1%) and business associations (30.2%). They are the main producers of crop production. The economic direction of our region is grain, as in the structure of acreage they make up 43.6%. Among cereals, the largest areas are winter wheat (116.9 thousand hectares) and maize for grain (155.6 thousand hectares). Industrial crops, which make up 31.0% in the area of acreage, are represented mainly by soybean and sunflower. These cultures are economically attractive to the producers of today. Potatoes and vegetables of the region make up only 9.5% of the acreage, and among the forage crops are predominant perennial herbs. Qualitatively, the structure of acreage of Zhytomyr region and Ukraine does not differ. The difference is only in the squares occupied by different groups of cultures.

In general, Zhytomyr region is one of the regions characterized by average rupture of the territory. The acreage of agricultural enterprises is only 23.1% of the total territory. The least developed agricultural sector is the western regions of our country, in particular the Zakharpatska region (2.6%), while the central and southern regions are the most developed agricultural region. Thus, in the Kirovohrad region the acreage of agrarians is 49.1%.

Analyzing the state of land use by agricultural enterprises of Zhytomyr region, it can be described as not satisfactory enough, as evidenced by economic indicators in comparison with other regions of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

І. Ф. Карась, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Geodesy and Land Survey

Т. М. Коткова, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Geodesy and Land Survey

А. О. Піціль, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University

PhD, Associate Professor Department of Geodesy and Land Survey


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