
  • Ю. О. Тараріко Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS, Ukraine
  • Г. І. Личук N.S. Center «Institute of Agriculture NAAS», Ukraine
  • В. П. Лукашук Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS, Ukraine



agroecosystem, crop area structure, productivity, stationary experiments, ecological sustainability, economic efficiency, regulatory and legal principles


It is shown that as a consequence of changing the structure of crop areas and raising the level of agricultural production of grain in Ukraine grew to the level of 60 million tons per year. This is accompanied by a decrease in the quality of food in the population and food security of the state, agrochemical and energy degradation of soil cover due to the lack of bioenergy resources and a significant reduction in the provision of moisture.

As a result of many years of research, in stationary agrotechnical experiments, the potential of biological productivity of agricultural land is established due to the optimization conditions of various factors. The analysis of alternative variants of increasing agroecosystem stability and their economic efficiency is carried out. It was established that the most promising direction is the development of bioenergy agrarian production with balanced production of crops, livestock, bioenergy resources and organic fertilizers with the transition to the principles of bioorganic agriculture. Offered on the basis of state-owned agricultural enterprises create experimental zonal bioenergy production systems, which will allow to work out sufficient legal and regulatory framework in the field of land relations, financial and regulatory policy, the development of specific sectors of the agrarian sector and the rational use of natural resources. Also, with the creation on their basis of the system of training and retraining of personnel and information and consulting services for small, medium and large agribusiness.

Author Biographies

Ю. О. Тараріко, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Г. І. Личук, N.S. Center «Institute of Agriculture NAAS»

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

В. П. Лукашук, Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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