
  • І. І. Ярема State Enterprise «Sambir Forestry», Ukraine




forestry, balanced forest management, ecological efficiency, ecological planning, ecologization of production, cluster, risk management, regional ecologically oriented forestry policy


The article investigates, substantiates and deepens theoretical propositions, and methodological and applied recommendations for improving the eco-efficiency of management decisions in forestry. It is stated that the main task of balanced forest management from the view of adherence to environmentally oriented nature management policy is to find a compromise between meeting industrial needs (economic interests) and conservation of forest ecosystems and natural biodiversity (ecological interests). It is revealed the ecological and economic priorities of optimization of forest management in the system of balanced forest management, the directions of balanced management of forest ecosystems are systematized. To identify key factors for enhancing the environmental and economic effectiveness of management decisions in forestry, it is proposed to use SWOT analysis. The author’s approach to the development and testing of the indicators system of ecological and economic efficiency for organizational and management decisions in balanced forest management has been adapted. The subject field of the indicator system is proposed to be divided into four blocks: finance, consumer enterprise, economic processes, personnel. Within each block goals are formulated, indicators are defined, measures are taken to achieve the proposed goals. It is generalized, systematized and developed the recommendations on increasing the effectiveness of organizational and economic measures for implementation of regional eco-oriented forest policy in terms of intensification of use and reproduction of forest ecosystems, improvement of their protection, creation of preconditions for participation of citizens in decision-making in the field of forest ecology, improvement of productivity and diversity of species of forest ecosystems. The practical value of the article lies in the development of applied provisions for improving the ecological and economic efficiency of implemented management decisions in forestry, which should be used by both state forestry and hunting authorities, as well as forestry enterprises and other forestry entities.

Author Biography

І. І. Ярема, State Enterprise «Sambir Forestry»



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