
  • В. І. Пічура Kherson State Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • П. М. Скрипчук National University of Water Management and nature management, Ukraine
  • Н. В. Дудяк Kherson State Agrarian University, Ukraine



water erosion, RUSLE, erosion potential of precipitation, soil erosion, factor terrain, erosion index of crops, steppe zone, GIS technologies, geomodeling


Using GIS technologies, spatial raster models for the distribution of the values of the factors influencing the potential danger of soil erosion were created, the erosion hazard was estimated using the modified RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) model, the potential of annual soil losses from arable land was calculated, and the spatial gradation of erosion disturbance was presented administratively territorial units in the steppe zone of Ukraine. Allocated about 32.7% of arable land, which have increased erosion hazard. About 48 administrative-territorial units have a specific area of less than 5% of erosion-disturbed lands and are characterized by a stable type of agrolandscapes to water-erosion processes. The predominant number of administrative-territorial units with high erosion-accumulative potential, the proportion of the area is 15% or more, located in the western and southwestern parts of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The specific area of erosion-hazardous lands in separate administrative-territorial units reaches up to 32%. Over the past years, the design and implementation of land conservation activities have declined significantly. Land conservation occurs mainly in a natural way. It should be noted that article 27 of the Law of Ukraine «On Land Protection» provides for economic incentives for measures to protect and use land and increase soil fertility, but there is no procedure for this. Therefore, the results obtained make it possible to determine the managerial aspects of the environmental and economic consequences of water-erosion degradation of soils and the need for spatially discrete-distributive implementation of adaptive-landscape anti-erosion design with elements of soil-protective agriculture.

Author Biographies

В. І. Пічура, Kherson State Agrarian University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development Professor Yu.V. Pilipenko

П. М. Скрипчук, National University of Water Management and nature management

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor, Department of Management

Н. В. Дудяк, Kherson State Agrarian University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Land Management, surveying and cadastre


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