estimation, agricultural lands, negative impacts, emissions, pollution, monetary estimation, ecological functions of land resourcesAbstract
This article evaluates the negative impacts on agricultural land resources of the Lviv region. Among the main problems affecting agricultural land are: processes of changes in physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of soil caused by anthropogenic activity; status of water use: discharge of untreated and insufficiently treated wastewater, as well as lack of water protection zones and coastal protection zones of water bodies; environmentally friendly collection, solid waste disposal; atmospheric air pollution, including emissions of stationary and mobile sources of harmful substances.The sources of pollution of surface and underground aquifers are the activity of mining and extraction enterprises of the region. With regard to the safe collection and disposal of solid household waste, 367 landfills with a total area of over 200 ha have been accounted for in the region. But due to the lack of necessary facilities and mechanisms, disposal technology is implemented in violation of regulatory requirements, which in turn leads to pollution of the environment. The volumes of pollutants ejected into the air on the land resources of the region decreased during the study period, but this does not reduce the negative environmental impact on the environment. In this context, the problem of environmental pollution, in particular agricultural land, is becoming an urgent obstacle to improving the quality of plant products. We propose a method for determining the amount of compensation for the degradation of the ecological function of agricultural lands caused by negative environmental impacts on them. According to this methodology, it is possible to determine and accumulate certain amounts of funds aimed at compensating for the degradation of the ecological function of land under the influence of emissions into the atmosphere.
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