
  • С. М. Данькевич Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



land for forestry, financing, rent, financial and economic instruments, balanced land use


It is analysis of scientific bases and the state of financial support for the use of lands of forestry purposes has been carried out. It is determined that the potential of the financial and economic conditions for ensuring a balanced level of forestry land use in Ukraine is not used at a sufficient level. The experience of Poland with regard to the principles of organization of financing of forestry land use shows that the use of forest lands is a fundamental financial resource, while in Ukraine due to the influence of organizational and economic, institutional and legal factors, the functional use of this instrument is rather limited. Proposed and scientifically substantiated theoretical approaches for the expansion and activation of financial support of balanced use of forest lands. The high potential of development and introduction of financial and economic regulation of rent payments in solving the problem of achieving a balanced level of forestry land use in Ukraine, which should be based on the institutional and legal platform for the development of rental policy, is substantiated. The dependence of the achievement of balanced use of agricultural land from financial support by maximizing profits when creating the appropriate tax climate that needs state regulation is substantiated. The necessity of functioning of the State Fund for the Development of Forestry, which will ensure the implementation of measures for the achievement of balanced use of lands for forestry purposes, is substantiated.

Author Biography

С. М. Данькевич, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Dankevych Stepan Mikhailovych — Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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