biogas, by-products of animal origin, alternative of energy sources, biogas plants, microbial preparation, methanogenesis process, livestock, contaminationAbstract
The aim of the research was to analyze the problems and prospects for the production and use of biogas in Ukraine from animal by-products as an innovative direction of energy conservation in agrarian production and to substantiate the economic feasibility and energy efficiency of the biogas «Meganit Nirbator» as a means of intensifying the biogas output. The data of biogas output from cattle manure at application of biogas plants with reactors of different volume are presented. The features of the biogas generation process and the influence of various factors on its intensity are considered and summarized. The advantages of obtaining biogas from by-products of animal origin as alternatives to the fossil sources of energy are analyzed, because in connection with local depletion of natural resources and dynamic tendency rising energy prices, of possibility in the perspective emergence of the energy crisis, the negative influence of traditional power engineering on the environment and threat of regional ecological disasters there is necessity for search and wide using of alternative fuel and energy resources. The economic feasibility of using the «Meganit Nirbator» biopreparation as a means of intensifying the biogas output is scientifically substantiated. It has been experimentally proved that the use of this drug as a stimulant causes an increase in the yield of biogas from manure of cows by 9% by increasing the activity of the methane fermentation process, which further increases the economic efficiency of alternative energy in the enterprise compared with the use of traditional energy sources. The presented results have scientific and practical importance in the energy sector and agriculture, in particular for solving environmental problems with the utilization of by-products of the livestock sector, the rational use of natural resources and the energy provision of the production process at the enterprise.
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