biodiversity, coastal protection strips, resources, ecological network, diversity, landscape, conservationAbstract
In order to preserve the biodiversity and landscape diversity of the Eastern Podillya, the main resources for forming a regional ecological network have been considered. The basic structural elements of the econetwork of the region are considered, the system of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management is proposed. The basic constituent resources for the formation and implementation of the regional ecological network have been identified. The functions of the ecological network are analyzed and their classification is carried out. The basic methods and methods of conducting the research are offered. The main types and sources of impact that led to negative environmental changes and reduced biodiversity have been identified. The composition of the Eastern Podillya ecological network has been identified and analyzed. The state of the objects and territories of the nature reserve fund is investigated, their area, dynamics, degree of conservation are analyzed. The basic principles and approaches of creation and realization of an ecological network are offered. On the basis of literary, statistical and mapping data and own field studies, the basic components of the structural elements of the regional eco-network are presented in terms of administrative and territorial units. The main key territories that are part of the ecological network of the region are identified. The land of water and forest fund, coastal protection strips and sanitary protection zones have been allocated. It is analyzed that one of the most promising and unique objects of the ecological network of the region is: Transbiosphere Reserve (TBD) «Dnistrovsky Canyon» — Transnistria Canyons System. It has been researched that among all key territories of the Eastern Podillya eco-network the most important role is played by the objects of protection of landscapes and biotopes — landscape, botanical, forest, hydrological, ornithological, general zoological and entomological reserves of national and local area, protected areas,- terraced, slope and placard (watershed) types of terrain.
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