
  • О. Л. Шевцова Institute of Agroecology and Environmental management National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine



animal by-products, broiler production, production volumes, financial and economic instruments, investments, environmental taxes, income, poultry


The problematic aspects of the existing economic instruments in the field of animal by-products are identified in the paper. Prerequisites of necessity of introduction of system of waste management on innovative bases which will provide consumption of natural resources are revealed; development of legislation in the field of waste management, taking into account the requirements of the relevant European directives. The analysis of modern economic instruments of application in the management of waste management in Ukraine. The current regulatory framework and ecological and economic tools for regulating the processes of handling animal by-products of poultry origin do not meet modern requirements, and the methods and technologies used in Ukraine do not meet world standards. It is established that the main directions of the use of environmental funds indicate the main environmental problems of the state — the protection and improvement of water resources and the rational management of waste. The analysis of capital investments for environmental protection in 2019. Investments in environmental protection were found not to be able to fully provide for the modernization and technical re-equipment of the objects of the environmental infrastructure, which could lead to irreversible negative impacts on the environment. Increasing the exploitation of natural resources and increasing destructive changes in the environment indicate that the introduction of environmental measures necessitates a proportionate, increased cost of resources and material resources for environmental purposes. According to the study, the largest share of environmental costs is generated by own funds of enterprises, organizations, institutions by region. In Ukraine, waste is reused, recycled and recovered. Reuse, recycling and recovery can be a cost-effective alternative to the treatment and disposal of certain types of waste, and can help conserve resources.

Author Biography

О. Л. Шевцова, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental management National Academy of Agrarian Sciences

Shevtsova Olga Leonidivna — applicant


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