
  • Т. М. Микитин Rivne State Humanities University, Ukraine



national nature park, strategy, organization’s mission, strategic goals, strategic management, strategy implementation plan


In Ukraine as of 01.01.2020. 52 National Nature Parks were created, which in their work are guided by the «Project of the organization of the territory of the national natural park, protection, reproduction and recreational use of its natural complexes and objects», which is developed on the basis of the Decree of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine. This document states that «The main objectives of the Territorial Organization Project are: to define a strategy for the development of the park for ten years», as well as «to determine in accordance with the strategy and to implement concrete effective measures for the development of the park, protection, recreation and recreational use of its natural complexes and facilities for five years». «For the first time, the concept of strategy, the plan of strategy implementation, is applied to the management of nature protection areas.

The analysis of the work of national nature parks indicates that, with limited financial resources, the parks should choose promising directions and clearly move in order to achieve this goal. The basic provisions of strategic planning are considered, taking into account the specificity of the planning object — the national nature park. Algorithms for developing a strategy for the development of a national nature park are proposed, taking into account the concept of balanced development.

The development of the National Nature Park Organization Project, which uses a strategic approach to help the park administration, focus on stakeholders in certain areas, which in turn will help to preserve the objects of the nature reserve fund, improve the accessibility of tourists, natural resources to the park’s assets, improve materially — technical condition of the park and availability of financial resources.

Author Biography

Т. М. Микитин, Rivne State Humanities University

Mykytyn Taras Myronovych — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management


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