economic valuation, land resources, land use, current state, agricultural land, rational, balanced land useAbstract
This article analyzes the use of agricultural land on the example of the Kiev region. Theoretical aspects of ecological and economic use of agricultural lands and protection of agricultural lands are characterized. The expediency of taking into account environmental indicators is substantiated. In order to ensure efficient use of agricultural land, it is necessary to create a mechanism of state regulation that provides for penalties for agricultural enterprises that intensively use land potential. Currently, Ukraine is in the process of forming a balanced use, protection and restoration of land resources to preserve the productive potential of agricultural land. The ecological and economic indicators of agro-industrial production play a decisive role because they determine the consolidated indicator of soil quality. Taking into account ecological and economic components based on the agro-climatic features of a certain territory allows to determine the directions and consequences of production activity in space and time, which can, both negatively and positively, influence the change of the level of consolidated indicator of soil quality, especially its natural fertility.
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