
  • І. М. Лицур Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • В. В. Микитенко Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine



spatial management, risks, threats, natural resources assets, transformation of economic relations


The authors formulate and reveal the initial provisions of the functioning and development of spatial natural and economic entities, detailed to take into account the basic elements of ensuring a sufficient level of security of the individual, society and state. It is recognized that they should be taken into account in the development and implementation of modern doctrines and strategies for spatial sustainable development in the management of the national state-building project. The methodologically important provisions of the systematic combinatorics of the factors of external and internal influence on the organization of spatial natural and economic entities in the modern conditions of functioning of the national socio-economic system, the difference of which from the established ones envisages the systematization of risks and threats to modern processes of spatial management of natural resources.

Author Biographies

І. М. Лицур, Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Lytsur Ihor Mykolayovych — Doctor of Economic, Professor

В. В. Микитенко, Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Mykytenko Viktoriуa Volodymyrivna — Doctor of Economic, Professor


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