
  • І. І. Дядченко Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management Of NAAS, Ukraine



crisis management, financial condition, liquidity indicator, financial stability indicator, bankruptcy, forestry enterprises, government allocations, targeted financing


The article presents an assessment of the financial condition of forestry enterprises in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine, which was conducted on the basis of calculations and analysis of indicators of liquidity, financial stability and bankruptcy. One of the methods of analysis of the financial state of the enterprise is applied, in particular, the analysis of financial ratios on the basis of financial form 1 «Balance». The article gives a brief description and normative values of the analyzed indicators, economic conclusions and conclusions for the implementation of the function of prevention through crisis management. For analysis, the financial statements of nine forestry enterprises of the Mykolayiv Regional Forestry and Hunting Enterprise, which own a significant portion of the forested lands of the region, were used to determine the presence of crisis phenomena or the state of bankruptcy at the enterprises, and to further develop and improve the anti-crisis mechanism. management. Analyzing these indicators, the manifestations of the crisis, in the last three years and at the end of 2019, it was not revealed. According to the indicators, the enterprises of the region are in a satisfactory financial condition. However, given the state financing of the industry, the features of forestry business, to draw conclusions about the financial condition of the studied enterprises would be inappropriate without taking into account other factors that may have a significant impact on the financial status of the enterprise. That is why the analysis of financial condition is the basis for the formation of a crisis management mechanism that reflects the true state of the enterprise. In view of this, it is recommended to develop a unified methodology for assessing the financial condition of the forestry enterprise, which will take into account the specifics of its activities, and the results obtained will serve as a basis for further analysis of the enterprise’s activities within the framework of the crisis management mechanism.

Author Biography

І. І. Дядченко, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management Of NAAS

Diadchenko Iryna Igorivna — Graduate Student


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