
  • Лю Чан Institute of electronics and information engineering, Guangdong Ocean University, China
  • К. Мамонов National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine



territorial development, coastal regions of Ukraine, coastal regions of China, spatial, urban, environmental, investment factors, land use, territorial development indicator, mathematical modeling, forecasting


This arcitle is supported by the program for Guangdong Ocean University’s «Innovation Strong School» in 2020 (230420023) and by the program for scientific research start-up funds of Guangdong Ocean University.

It was determined that in the system of territorial development of coastal areas at the present stage it is proposed to use mathematical tools and simulation that creates its information. The aim of the study is to determine directions of mathematical modeling of territorial development of coastal regions, given the characteristics of land relations. Objectives of the study are: the formation of the stages of mathematical simulation of territorial development of coastal regions, given the characteristics of land relations; construction of a mathematical model in the system of territorial development of coastal regions; the definition of criteria of adequacy of mathematical model in the system of territorial development, given the characteristics of land relations; interpretation of the results. Proposed and implemented the stages of mathematical simulation of territorial development of coastal regions, taking into account the trends and features of land use and change system of spatial, urban, investment, and environmental factors. The criteria of adequacy of mathematical models of territorial development of coastal regions. It forecasts changes in the system of spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors and changes in the index of territorial development, including coastal regions. A three-dimensional GIS model of condition monitoring and predictive trends of territorial development of land use, including coastal regions of Ukraine. For the sake of territorial development of coastal regions is suggested to use the experience of China. In particular, the form of the free economic zones, improving the efficiency of land use, the use of modern information systems spatial software, and the improved utilization of urban services, increase the level of investments on the basis of modern investment mechanisms.

Author Biographies

Лю Чан, Institute of electronics and information engineering, Guangdong Ocean University

Liu Chang — PhD., Associate Professor

К. Мамонов, National University of Urban Economy

Mamonov Kostiantyn — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Land Administration and Geological Information Systems


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