
  • І. І. Мостовʼяк Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine



sustainable agroecosystem, ecological principles, integrated pest management, plant health, soil health


The article presents the generalized results of research on the formation of balanced agroecosystems taking into account integrated plant protection. In most countries of the world it is important to increase crop production per unit area to ensure food security while minimizing the impact on the environment. The only way to solve this problem is to form balanced agroecosystems through the introduction of new innovative agrotechnologies based on ecological principles. Therefore, a number of international conventions, agreements and initiatives, as well as within the legislation of most developed countries outlined changes in agricultural production patterns and directions for the transition to an ecosystem approach. It is recognized that the choice of the correct strategy of pest control in the agrocenosis allows to reduce crop losses by up to 80%, and plant protection is considered as a determining factor in realizing the productive potential of crops. But modern agroecosystems are unstable with a low ability to resist the harmful effects of pests, and agrocenoses are characterized by a high probability of deterioration of phytosanitary conditions. From the standpoint of ecological safety of agroecosystems and ensuring the quality of agricultural products, modern agricultural technologies should be based on integrated methods of plant protection, in particular, taking into account climate change. The combination of scientifically based agricultural measures aimed at improving soil and plant health, in particular methods of agroecological pest management, will reduce the negative impact on the ecological state of agro-ecosystems, increase environmental safety and profitability of agricultural production through more efficient use of natural resources. quality and safety of agricultural products, etc. Sustainable crop production requires a holistic approach and the introduction of technologies and measures developed on environmental principles that meet the goals of integrated plant protection and aimed at rational use of natural resources, improving soil conditions, reducing the use of chemicals, increasing biodiversity and habitats, reducing emissions greenhouse gases, etc., which in the complex ensures the health of plants and soil. The introduction of integrated plant protection and the minimization of the use of synthetic pesticides makes it possible to improve plant and soil health, the ecological condition of the agrocenosis in general and to ensure the formation of balanced agroecosystems.

Author Biography

І. І. Мостовʼяк, Uman National University of Horticulture

Mostoviak Ivan Ivanovich — PhD, Associate professor, First Vice-rector for research and educational work


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