
  • Ю. В. Терновий Skvyra research station of organic production Institute of Agroecology And Environmental Management of NAAS, Ukraine
  • Л. П. Теличко Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS, Ukraine



sweet corn, biological preparations, plant protection, pesticides, ecologically safe cultivation


Shows the effect of biological and chemical agents on the growth and development of plants of corn sugar. Describes the meaning and role of the use of biological agents as a key component of modern ecologically safe technologies of cultivation, the level of their implementation in the protection of plants from soil infections, pests, and rodents. Identified the degree of dependence on biological drugs growth, development of individual organs and of the plant organism as a whole. Given the biological method of plant protection as the basis for strategic environmental and biological control of pests in agricultural crops. The use of biological preparations for plant protection has become a topical issue in connection with the necessity of ecologization of agriculture. The study of the growth and development of maize plants in ontogenesis provides an opportunity to reveal important factors of the formation process of the high productivity of this culture. It is proved that above-ground mass of plants as one of the main components of sowing has a significant impact on plant productivity of corn sugar, namely for the harvest. It is known that plant growth is associated with the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus. One of the main factors which determines the ability of the normal flow of the process of photosynthesis of plants, is the presence of pigments. The main components of the pigment systems of corn and other plants are chlorophylls and carotenoids. The study of their content in the leaves of plants under the influence of chemical and biological factors is of great importance because it affects the intensity of photosynthesis and a number of other physiological processes. The results of studies that indicate that in the technology of growing corn sugar, it is possible to replace the use of chemical disinfectants for pre-sowing seed treatment for biological agents. The use of the latter is promising through the use of natural mechanisms and provides the ability to get aligned, harmonious growth without causing directional selection and the risk of emergence of resistant mycomycetes in agrophytocenosis.

Author Biographies

Ю. В. Терновий, Skvyra research station of organic production Institute of Agroecology And Environmental Management of NAAS

Ternovyi Yuri Viktorovich — PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Director

Л. П. Теличко, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Telichko Lyubov Petrovna — applicant


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