
  • М. О. Франчук Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine



climate change, agriculture, crop production, monitoring, acreage dynamics, yield


The article presents the results of the study of monitoring the production of crops in the Vinnitsia region in the context of climate change. The climate peculiarities of the region are described, the most noticeable manifestations of climate change, their effects are investigated and generalized, and the potential impact of these changes on the yield of basic crops is identified. The place of Vinnytsia region in agriculture of Ukraine by volume of production of gross agricultural production is investigated. The efficiency of land use in Vinnytsia region is analyzed. In particular, the structure of land distribution of the region under crops has been considered. It is established that efficient management is related, first of all, to the set of cultivated crops and the structure of the acreage. The structure between optimal and actual ratio of crops in crop rotation in the Vinnytsia region is analyzed. It is pointed out that the acreage structure does not correspond to the optimal structure developed by scientists. A significant decrease in the area of forage land was noted. The dynamics of changes in crop production and production of fruit and berry crops in the region for the period 1990–2019, as well as the dynamics of acreage and the yield of basic crops for the period 2010–2019 are analyzed. It is established that as a result of climate change in the territory of Vinnytsia region there is a reorientation of the plant growing industry by reducing the areas under water-loving and expanding under drought resistant crops such as corn, rapeseed, sunflower, soybeans. However, growing such crops requires the rational and economical use of soil resources. It is noted that climate change necessitates a revision of the area of crop propagation, most of which have already undergone territorial changes. These changes require the search for new technologies, varieties, fertilizers, plant protection products, organizational forms and other adaptation measures

Author Biography

М. О. Франчук, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Franchuk Myroslava Olexandrivna — Postgraduate Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection


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