
  • В. В. Мороз Polіssky National University, Ukraine
  • Н. М. Стасюк Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS, Ukraine



protected area, beech forest, biometric indicators, mathematical modeling


The main biometric indicators of the main forest-forming wood of the reserve area of the Yavorovsky National Natural Park — common pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) have been established. A comparative analysis of actual indicators was carried out, namely, changes in the height, diameter and age of trees by reference tables of the progress of growth of full forest plantations. Using the Microsoft Excel analysis package, a statistical analysis of the key figures was performed. Mathematical equations have been compiled to predict the course of growth of both an individual tree with age and the entire wood array.

With the help of the obtained equations it was found that at a young age pine tree does not give a significant increase in diameter, only after 60 years the growth of pine begins to gain the thickness of the trunk, and already at the age of 110 its diameter exceeds the normative values by 20 cm.

It has been found that before the age of 50 the height of pine in the plantation is 1 m lower than the corresponding values of the normative reference tables, but in the future pine tree plants begin to gain height, and at the age of 110 they exceed the normative values by 5 m.

The microclimate of each test area is installed according to the indicators: air temperature; lighting; Level of acidity and level of soil moisture.

Analysis of microclimatic indices, on the laid-down time trial areas showed that Pinus sylvestris L. in Yavorovsky NPP predominantly grows on soils with neutral pH level, although for its growth there are better acidic ground conditions.

Author Biographies

В. В. Мороз, Polіssky National University

Moroz Vira Vasylivna — Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Polіssky National University. Associate Professor of Forest Ecology and life safety

Н. М. Стасюк, Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Stasiuk Natalia Mikhailivna — Graduate Student


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