


geosystems, GIS support, remote sensing of the Earth, geospatial data, mapping


The state of the environment under the conditions of application of information systems based on the achievements of geoinformation technologies and data of aerospace and ground observations is studied. The concept of agroecosystems is analyzed and their main function is established, which is the production of food, plant and animal raw materials for light and food industries. Problems of creation of cartographic materials for display of agrogeosystems in an information field are considered. It is proposed to develop criteria for economic and environmental assessment of agrogeosystems, as well as the behavior of society in the use of natural resources. Economic and ecological criteria for assessment of territorial agrogeosystems are determined. The structural, functional and genetic features inherent in agrogeosystems are formed. The structural organization of agrogeosystems is considered, which causes significant changes in such indicators as sustainability and reliability. A new direction in geodesy is identified — economic and ecological mapping, where the role of thematic maps as a control tool is growing significantly. Thus it is possible to speak about creation of complex economic and ecological maps, a series of thematic maps, complex atlases, etc. The role of space photoinformation in the study of mapping of natural resources and phenomena is determined. Thematic tasks for topographic and geodetic support of ecological and economic assessment of territorial agrogeosystems, which can serve as a basis for the classification of spacecraft and remote sensing of the Earth. It is proved that topographic and geodetic support of ecological and economic assessment of territorial agrogeosystems should be based on modern technologies of collecting and processing geospatial topographic and geodetic information about agrogeosystems, regularly updated, as well as to ensure the reliability of information, accuracy of spatial elements. The main stages of topographic and geodetic support of ecological and economic assessment of territorial agrogeosystems are given.

Author Biographies

І. О. Новаковська, National Aviation University

І.O. Novakovska

Doctor of Economics Science, Head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre

П. Ф. Жолкевський, National Aviation University

P.F. Zholkevskyi

Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre Department

Н. Ф. Іщенко, National Aviation University

N.F. Ishchenko

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Land Management and Cadastre


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