


constitutional norms, main national wealth, nature management, law, market land relations


It has been established that the existing inaction and incomprehensible passivity of the authorities to effectively implement the requirements of current legislation on the rational use and protection of soil as natural objects of property of the Ukrainian people, contributes to impunity and irresponsibility of resource users and landowners. Constructed assumptions about the reasons for the deterioration of the quality of natural objects in the agro-sphere of Ukraine, allowed for the «first time» to find out the main unregulated premise in Ukraine as a possible interest of disinterest. The existing condition of natural objects (especially soils) is generalized and the functioning economic and legal mechanisms as a result of the ongoing land reform on agricultural lands have been analyzed. It was found that all the consequences of the transformation are characterized as «negative», causing great damage to the natural fertility of soils and other natural components of the biosphere. Balanced interest as the main prerequisite for motivating the improvement of relations between citizens and the natural environment is recognized as the main basis for sustainable agricultural use in agriculture. The special requirements of the complex institutional development of a legal, economically developed and ecologically stable state are the immediate introduction into the current constitutional field of Ukraine of the land reform carried out so far. It is proved that the accomplishment of land reform as a new paradigm should be based on thorough knowledge and true disclosure of new knowledge of constitutional pragmatism as requirements for the realization of national interests through the primary satisfaction of the constitutional rights of citizens of Ukraine. Also, it is seen that the substantiations made will form the basis for clarification in our further work — the main unregulated prerequisite in Ukraine, which allows the deterioration of the quality of natural objects in the agrosphere of Ukraine.

Author Biography

О. І. Ковалів, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

O.I. Kovaliv

Doctor of Economics Sciences


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