


valerian, peppermint, chamomile, Echinacea purpurea, agriculture


The article defines the role of medicinal plant growing in agriculture. The functions of medicinal plants are: meeting the needs of the body in nutrients; suppression of pathogenic microflora of the body; increased blood flow to certain organs; strengthening of secretory (secretory) functions of the body; antiallergic action; cessation of bleeding; effects on the central nervous system. The most common in rural areas and profitable for growing are chamomile — the average yield is on average 5–10 kg/ha, can bring income up to 300 thousand UAH; Oregano — a good honey plant with a productivity of up to 100 kg/ha; lemon balm — with a yield of 220–250 kg/ha of raw weight, or 35–40 kg/ha of dry grass, you can get about 35 kg/ha of essential oil and an income of about $ 8000 per 1 quintal of dry weight; valerian — yield is from 7–9 to 15–20 kg/ha, you can get up to 240 thousand UAH/100 kg; peppermint — with a yield of 15–20 kg/ha, the total income will be from 60 to 80 thousand UAH; Echinacea purpurea — yield is about 4 t/ha of dry grass and up to 2 t/ha of roots, profit up to 80 thousand UAH/1 ha per grass and up to 200 thousand UAH per root. In the production of medicinal plant raw materials should be based on socioecological and economic factors, which include: qualitative and quantitative state of natural resources, the possibility of increasing income from the cultivation of medicinal raw materials; income in the form of wages, job creation; strengthening the physical and moral health of the population. It is established that medicinal crops are more profitable to grow than agricultural crops.

Author Biographies

С. Я. Ольхович, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

S.Ia. Olkhovych


О. В. Крохтяк, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

О.V. Krokhtiak

Candidate of Economic Sciences

І. Я. Ткач, National Pedagogical University

I.Ia Tkach

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Social Policy

О. І. Гриник, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

O.I. Grynyk

Candidate of Economic Sciences


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