


agrocenosis, forest melioration, protective forest plantations, forest ecosystems


Protective forest plantations in agro-landscapes support to the ecology improvement and provide the stable agricultural functioning. In the intensive agricultural the main condition of its efficiency increase is stabilization of agroecosystem components, due to establishment of their rational correlation and the optimization as a result of which their steady functioning, and also reception of the greatest productivity is provided. The concept of a stable ecologically sustainable space creating based on an optimized system of protective forest plantations and forest ecosystems for various purposes, which should ensure the formation of a sustainable agroforestry landscape. The optimized system of various purposes protective forest plantations should ensure the formation of a stable agroforestry landscape, which stabilizes the ecological situation, preserves and restores natural resource potential and maximum bioproductivity, nature protection and recreation, creates optimal conditions for growth, development and productivity of agriculture. Structural parameters of the protective forest plantations system, which ensure the formation of ecologically stable space, should take into account the melioration and ecological tension of the territory by the intensity of wind and water erosion, as well as physical and geographical characteristics of the territory and territory type. Optimization of the protective forest plantations system and the formation of sustainable agricultural landscapes are priority measures, that can reduce the negative anthropogenic impact and create an opportune ecological environment where agricultural culture and forests plantation can develop stably and high productivity of agrocenoses.

Author Biographies

О. І. Фурдичко, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

O.I. Furdychko

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAAS

І. Я. Тимочко, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

I.Ia. Tymochko

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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