


communal property, inventory of forest plantations, strip construction, main species, reconstruction


The article is devoted to the analysis of legal regulation of field protective forest strips as a component of agricultural lands, as well as to the formulation of a number of important positions in order to study their condition for further inventory and protection from destruction. The current state and silvicultural and taxonomic indicators of field protective forest strips are analyzed. On the territory of Yalanets village council of Bershad district of Vinnytsia region the system of protective forest plantations is a significant factor of protection of fields from wind and water erosion, drought, freezing of crops. At the same time, forest plantations have a great ecological impact on agroecosystems. The system of protective forest plantations is represented by: 13 field protective forest strips; 2 beam; 2 ravine-beam; 2 water protection protective forest plantations. It is established that the current state of protective forest plantations is significantly affected by anthropogenic factors: trees are damaged by unauthorized felling, every year a significant part of them is damaged by fire during crop burning stubble, located near the settlement is a place of household and other garbage cattle. To increase the efficiency of protective forest plantations, we recommend: to bring the plantations into proper sanitary condition by conducting selective sanitary felling; to carry out reconstruction in field protective plantations under № 5,12,13,14, as well as in the beam forest protection strip under № 2; restrict transport access to coniferous plantations; to carry out fellings in cells of a root sponge; organize monitoring of pest foci and carry out the necessary chemical treatment; to prohibit uncontrolled grazing of cattle; to fight against unauthorized logging

Author Biographies

В. П. Миколайко, Uman State Pedagogical University named Pavlo Tychyna

V.P. Mykolaiko

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching

В. П. Кирилюк, Uman National University of Horticulture

V.P. Kyryliuk

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre

І. П. Козинська, Uman State Pedagogical University named Pavlo Tychyna

I.P. Kozynska

Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Methods of Teaching


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