


water resources quality, water sources, land pollution, anthropogenic load, impact on water quality, local areas


This article is devoted to the study of the main environmental problems of local areas, which are associated with anthropogenic pressure on the quality of water and land resources. The scientific novelty of the work is identified the specific ecological factors which influence on the local areas and analyzed the cause deterioration of water and land quality. The research program provided for the application of a systematic approach to determine the main aspects of anthropogenic pressure on the state of local areas in order to evaluate the impact of urbanization and agricultural activities on land and water resources. To implement the research program, the following tasks were: to determine the factors influencing urbanization and agricultural activities on the state of land and water resources of local areas, which causes a significant anthropogenic load on the territory; to study the main factors of pollution of local areas due to anthropogenic load. According to the results articles we analyzed and determined the main environmental factors which had affect and influence on the quality water and land resources of local territories (Kyiv and Khmelnytsky regions). In particular, it was clarified that the main factors deteriorating the quality of water resources were discharges of untreated wastewater from enterprises and filtration water from landfills, which, due to technological violations, came from landfills to riverbeds. The anthropogenic pressure on land resources is due to the agricultural sector, in particular, it was found that uncontrolled use of agrochemicals and untreated manure in the studied areas were a predictable risk factor for soil contamination by pathogenic bacteria and heavy metals.

Author Biography

В. П. Строкаль, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

V.P. Strokal

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Agrosphere Ecology and Environmental Control


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