


fungicides, insecticides, biological drugs


The article presents the results of three annual studies of the application of elements of environmentally friendly technology for growing sweet corn in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. On the basis of the conducted field researches the mutual influence of the investigated factors and their variants is established Thus, treatment of corn seeds before sowing with biological plant protection products, namely a set of protective drugs — biological fungicide + biological insecticide, provided the plants of the hybrid “Barcelona F1”, based on three years of research, the best plant density. Plants of the “Mermaid” variety formed the maximum weight of the cob, from all variants of the experiment. The studied hybrids of sugar corn in accordance with the characteristics of the variety and the influence of biological plant protection products form a high yield, suitable for mechanized harvesting of cobs, resistant to major diseases and pests, have high technological qualities. Studies of sugar corn plants show that pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological products of protective action contributed to the development of plants. The results of research indicate that in the technology of growing sweet corn it is possible to replace the use of chemical pesticides for pre-sowing seed treatment with biological products, which positively affected the quality of plants, accelerating the initial growth and development of plants. With the help of biological products it is possible to obtain full plant protection, yield growth and high quality.

Author Biography

Л. П. Теличко, Skvyra Research Station of Organic Production Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management NAAS

L.P. Telychko



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