The article highlights the essence of the concept of integration in general and land use in the agriсultural sphere in particular. A comprehensive analysis of the ecological and economic state of land use in agricultural production, use and protection of land resources is substantiated, it is emphasized that in
the process of land reform in Ukraine there have been significant transformations in land ownership and
management. Land is a productive resource acquired economic, credit and monetary value. Land plots, in addition to state property, have acquired communal and private property. Despite these transformations, the quality of land resources is deteriorating, which is quite clear from the dynamics of humus content
(main resource potential) over the past 100 years, the presence of significant spots of degraded land in
arable land, which negatively affects the environment, including and life. The essence and structure of the
agrosphere in modern conditions are also highlighted, an important component is agrolandscapes, which
dynamically lose ecological stability as a result of irrational use of land resources, without following the
creation of an important phytosanitary measure for their protection. The article pays considerable attention to the formation of independent land use: family farms, farms on private-lease relations and others about their integration in relation to social production. First of all, this applies to small family farms that produce marketable products, but are not competitive due to the full mechanization of production processes, although they make a corresponding contribution to the food supply of the state.
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