


The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological principles of integrated assessment of national security in the context of sustainable spatial development. The emphasis is on the fact that the integrated (comprehensive) socio-ecological and economic assessment of national security in the theoretical and conceptual format should be built in accordance with the methodology of sustainable development.
It should be noted that the theory of economic security raises the question of structural and evaluative construction of national (economic) security in accordance with the methodology of sustainable development. This led to the consideration of national security as socio-ecological and economic.
Variations of the system of indicators that characterize the level of sustainable development are analyzed. It is concluded that the purposeful management of socio-economic processes and national security in order to achieve sustainable spatial development, the establishment of new environmental and social priorities of the state has led to a change in the assessment system. Here, attention is focused on the fact that there is no single system for the formation of indicators of sustainable development, in particular, in the context of assessing the effectiveness of environmental taxation.
Some components of national security and indicators in the context of solving the problem of assessing the effectiveness of the environmental taxation system are considered. The structural components and main indicators of economic, energy and environmental security in relation to the system of environmental taxation are substantiated. Indicators of forest safety are considered separately. Emphasis is placed on the methodology of forming the algorithm for constructing a comprehensive rating assessment of national security components.

Author Biography

Inessa Yarovaya, Sumy State University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Economic Relations


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