The article highlights the trends of introduction of integrated solar installations in the field of agroindustrial production, highlights the main tasks of energy supply and energy saving in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The subject of research is theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of energy supply of agricultural production processes. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of using complex solar installations for energy supply of agro-industrial enterprises. The methodological basis of the study was a system of general and special methods, including the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, systematic elaboration of domestic and foreign researchers, modern economic theory, management theory, organization and systems, evolutionary theory of firm, theory of information and communication. The method of scientific abstraction was used in systematization of theoretical bases of
application of complex solar installations, the method of system-structural analysis was used in determining the peculiarities of application of complex solar installations in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, the method of logical generalization was used and synthesis and the graphical method was used to develop organizational measures for the use of integrated solar installations in the agro-industrial complex. The publication identifies the main problems of energy supply, without the elimination of which, agricultural consumers connected to the centralized power supply system will significantly lose profits from their
own activities. Ways to increase the efficiency of solar installations are proposed, including: development
of advanced technologies for the manufacture of integrated solar installations, aimed at reducing their
cost and increasing the efficiency (efficiency); use of solar concentrators; application of solar tracking systems. The economic indicators of the use of complex solar installations in the agro-industrial complex are calculated. The results of calculation of economic efficiency of application of systems of solar installations for power supply of the agro-industrial enterprises are resulted.
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