


The scientific heritage of the founder of the Ukrainian scientific school of physiocrats S. Podolinsky, socio-economic conditions of life and work, the environment of prominent personalities, which affected the formation of his worldview and active citizenship in terms of non-perception of the colonial state of Ukraine, stratification of the rich and poor, social injustice.
The content of the concept model on the sustainability of solar energy of the Universe and patterns of its uneven distribution on the earth’s surface due to human labor, which generates destructive transformations of ecological systems and negative climate change. This has a particularly detrimental effect on poor countries, depressed regions and socially vulnerable groups. The scientist proved on a specific analysis of statistics from France, Sweden and Spain the gross production of grain and other crops that the global problems of mankind are not fatal, as there may be an absolute increase in energy and its even distribution on the planet. To this end, it is proposed to further increase the integrated productivity of the
natural resources involved and the use of technologies friendly to socio-ecological and climatic requirements based on the latest advances in science and technology.
The urgency of S. Podolinsky’s discovery is motivated, in particular, the objective demand for a radical
paradigm shift of the organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural production regulation for the transition from predominantly predatory exploitation of natural resources to balanced development using the competitive potential of companies of all types of ownership, assets and legal forms management.

Author Biography

Oleksii Mogilnyi, Ukrainian Research Institute of the Productivity of Agro-Industrial Complex

Doctor of Economics, Professor Chief Researcher


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