Pollution and depletion of water resources is becoming a global environmental problem today. The
issue of quality control of drinking and pond water in rural areas is an urgent, multifaceted problem, as it directly affects the health of the population.
Therefore, on the basis of monitoring studies, the assessment of the state of natural waters (drinking water of decentralized water supply and open reservoirs — ponds) in the agro-landscapes of the ForestSteppe zone for various agro-technogenic use was carried out. The state of natural waters has been studied by the method of agroecological monitoring. Conducted monitoring studies of the state of natural waters indicate their significant non-compliance with regulatory requirements, both for drinking purposes and for fishery needs. It is determined that their quality condition is due to the hydrological regime and the level of anthropogenic load, which leads to an increase in the content of pollutants in natural waters such
as nitrates, ammonium compounds, copper, nickel, chlorides. Most often, water from the wells of the surveyed rural settlements had an excess of nitrates. Ammonium compounds were one of the most common water pollutants in ponds. This is due to the violation of sanitary requirements of the territory, non-compliance with the rules of disposal of livestock and household waste, which occurs even if the territory of the entire agricultural landscape is involved in organic farming.
Therefore, the issue of natural water quality control and reduction of risks of their pollution is important from the point of view of improving the quality of drinking water and preservation of open natural reservoirs, as it directly affects the health of the population. Studies show that to prevent contamination of groundwater (wells) and surface water bodies (ponds), it is necessary to anticipate the risks of contaminants entering groundwater and the likelihood of their lateral leaching.
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