


Boosting field pea overall productivity comes with the increased photosynthetic activity. Due to the
increase in the size of the leaf surface, and the extension of the period of activity of leaves, stipules, and
whiskers of plants, the rate of solar radiation intercepted by crops, including field pea, rises.
The aim of the research was to identify the influence of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators on
the leaf surface area dynamics and the formation of the photosynthetic potential of field pea varieties in
the Western Forest-Steppe.

The experimental part of the work was carried out during 2016–2018 in the experimental field of the
Training and Production Center «Podilya» at the State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya. The
field experiment was laid down in the research ten-digit crop rotation. The soil of the experimental field
was the typical black earth, characterized as deep, low-humus, and heavy gravel on forest-like loams.
The results of the research indicate that the maximum leaf area indexes for field pea crops were
recorded at the micro stage BBCH 60-69. The largest leaf surface area was formed by the Chekbek pea
variety. Leaf area ranged from 179.7 to 323.8 cm2 per plant, depending on the application of different
doses of mineral fertilizers. Spraying of field pea plants (Gotovsky, Chekbek and Fargus varieties) at the
micro stage BBCH 51–59 (budding — flowering) with growth regulators Plantapeg (application rate of
25 g/ha), Emistim C (30 ml/ha) and Vimpel (30 ml/ha) had a positive effect on the formation of the leaf
surface area and photosynthetic potential of the plant. On average, growth rates increased by 28–52%.
According to the findings of the study, at the micro stages BBCH 60-69 some fertilization variants
have demonstrated doubling rates of the photosynthetic potential of plants. Therefore, the maximum
photosynthetic potential was recorded at the areas where mineral fertilizer N45P30K45 was inoculated in
combination with the growth regulator Vimpel, which amounted 1.54 million m2/ha × day for the Chekbek field pea variety, 1.29 million mm2/ha × day for the Gotovsky field pea variety, and 1.25 million
mm2/ha × day for the Fargus variety.

Author Biography

K. Nebaba, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Ph.D. Student


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