The main unsettled prerequisite for the deterioration of the qualitative state of natural objects in Ukraine




soils, land relations, property, interests, constitutional norms, basic national wealth, of nature use


The purpose of the study as a result of exploratory scientific work is to clarify and disclose the main unsettled preconditions in Ukraine, which allows the deterioration of the qualitative state of natural objects, especially in the agricultural sphere. The necessity of eliminating differences between these transactions, the declared norms of the Constitution of Ukraine, and the existing legislation and laws that will be adopted in the future has been substantiated. For this, appropriate cadastral numbers must be assigned to each such natural object, embodying their corresponding geospatial location on Earth (GEO) — within the state border of Ukraine, including the coastal strip of the continental shelf of the exclusive (maritime) economic zone. It has been established that a significant corruption violation and the suitability of state regulation of land relations and nature management on agricultural lands is the absence of a still functioning State cadastre of soils in agricultural landscapes of Ukraine (State Cadastre of the Agricultural Sphere of Ukraine). It was found that due to the absence of a constitutionally declared special Law of Ukraine «On the Right to Use Natural Objects of Property Rights of the Ukrainian People» for a quarter of a century, the rights of their owner (all citizens of Ukraine) are violated and the unauthorized use of the nation’s capital occurs. As a result, the rights, duties and responsibilities of users of natural objects are not standardized, as well as full-fledged requirements for their rational use and protection on a paid basis in accordance with established regulations. This is especially true of fertile soils and other natural resources of the agrosphere. It has been proved that the absence of the Law of Ukraine «On the Right to Use Natural Objects of the Property Rights of the Ukrainian People» together with the State Cadastre of Soils in Agricultural Landscapes of Ukraine is the main prerequisite for the deterioration of the qualitative state of natural objects, especially in the agricultural sphere, in Ukraine.

Author Biography

O. Kovaliv, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS


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