Environmental and economic franchising tools in the sustainable management system: application technologies





ecological and economic franchising, sustainable management, greening technologies, natural resource potential, territorial natural and economic formations


The article formulates and reveals the main mechanisms and technologies for managing the introduction of environmental and economic franchising tools in management, which allows to ensure the implementation of the target functions of the modern environmental management system and environmental protection, taking into account current problems and risks of different nature.
The essence and content of basic and specific functions of nature management and environmental protection of the state are revealed. This allowed to determine the list of necessary for the implementation of economic, types of environmental and economic franchising in the context of ensuring the transition of the state and its regions to sustainable development in resource constraints as a result of increasing and rationalizing the use of natural resources.
The importance and significance of ecological and economic franchising for the development of the national system of sustainable management are described. The following are formulated and detailed: a economic and legal conditions and grounds for the effectiveness of the tools of environmental and economic franchising in Ukraine; financial and environmental policies of the state. This became the basis for substantiation: a set of tasks to achieve sustainable management of socio-economic systems and territorial natural economic formations, a format for implementing effective environmental innovation projects to address environmental issues, and an innovative composition of search tools and methods. new opportunities and reserves to attract investment to increase the level of economic, environmental, social, industrial and natural resource security of the state as a whole. It is shown that the introduction of franchising requires not only changes in production and economic and organizational and managerial structures, but also the restructuring of thinking and ways of doing business at all levels, which take care of spatial management of sustainable development of the state and its regions.

Author Biographies

O. Bendasiuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics Sciences

V. Mykytenko, Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Doctor of Economics Sciences


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