Evolution of methodology of land use formation of water protection zones and coastal strips





land use, water protection zones, coastal strips, integrated approach, formation, management


The authors of the article aim to study the evolutionary changes in methodological approaches to the formation and management of land use of water protection zones and coastal strips. As a result, four phases of land use development of water protection zones and coastal strips are considered. In particular those which took place in the following periods: 1950–1970, 1970–1990, 1990 to the present, and it is also noted that the fourth phase (period) is coming. The essence of it is to create a system of land use (formation and management) of water protection zones and coastal strips, based on environmental and socially-oriented management and institutional government support. The authors note that one of the most important principles is a comprehensive approach to the formation and management of protected land use of water protection zones and coastal strips. For this, one of the first attempts to generalize international and national experience in the development of an integrated approach is presented. And also a variety of factors that to the greatest extent accelerated the development of an integrated approach to the formation and management of land use of water protection zones and coastal zones with different levels of economic development.
The authors found that the sustainable (balanced) development of land use in water protection zones and coastal zones requires solving a number of problems, which in turn are divided according to their scale. In particular, global (affects the interests of the population of the whole Earth), regional (determine the conditions of development of individual regions) and local (determine the conditions of development of specific cities, towns, territorial communities). The ratio of scales and priorities of different disciplines in the system of complex formation and management of land use of water protection zones and coastal strips is also presented, which allowed the main problems to be conditionally divided into: nature protection (or, also called — ecological); natural, social and economic. It is noted that the relationship between the level of management and the scale and priority of the problem is a methodological basis for building a vertical structure of integrated formation and management of land use of water protection zones and coastal strips

Author Biographies

V. Tretiak, Sumy National Agrarian University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

T. Kravchuk, State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management


O. Yusipenko, State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management



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