Methods of qualitative and quantitative risk analysis




qualitative risk assessment, quantitative risk assessment, risk identification, expert methods, method of cost-effectiveness analysis, method of analogies, risk management


The article clarifies the current issues of the existing methodology for assessing the risks that arise in the management process. This is dictated by the need to analyze and assess the risk for further optimal management of economic activity, given that risk is an integral part of any process. It is emphasized that the risk assessment is to compare the level of risk with the level of acceptability, and the basis for the assignment to the group of acceptable risks is a system of parameters, different for each specific risk. Risk
assessment is performed to determine the probability and size of losses that characterize the magnitude (or degree) of risk, and is carried out by various methods, which can be combined into two groups: qualitative methods of risk analysis and quantitative methods. Risk assessment is an assessment of probability, point or integral, statistical or expert. In this case, risk management is limited by the probability of adverse events. It is established that the main task of qualitative analysis is to identify possible types of risk, potential risk areas and factors influencing the level of risk. In market conditions, the problem of risk analysis and assessment is becoming increasingly important as an important component of management theory and practice. Thus, the need for research on this issue is not only relevant, but also significantly increases during the period of dynamic changes in the economic and social development of Ukraine. In this regard, the study and analysis of risks occupies an important place in the economy, as well as in ecology and other areas of human activity.

Author Biography

K. Shurda, Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES)

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher


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