Development potential of the tourism and recrea­tional complex of rural areas




rural area, development of rural territories, tourist and recreational resources, rural green tourism, agro-tourism, SWOT-analysis


The Recreation and tourism industry today is one of the priority and conducive to the formation of a high-quality national economy. Rural tourism as one of the components of tourism plays an important role in shaping effective and regional development and, as a result, national development and diversifica­ tion of the national economy through appropriate, structural, and systematic planning, identifying the benefits and limitations of rural recreation and tourism.

The peculiarities of rural tourism are revealed and the factors hindering its development in Ukraine are determined. Analyzed potential problems and prospects of development of rural tourism and recreation complex in terms of its impact on sustainable rural development. The problems of domestic agro-tou­rism are outlined, the solution of which will improve the level of the economic and social life of the rural population, which will contribute to the growth of the potential for the development of the tourist and recreational complex of rural areas in Ukraine.

Author Biography

L. Sakharnatska, Uzhhorod National University

PhD in Economics


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