Economic efficiency of seedling method of growing Melissa officinalis L. under drip irrigation




Melissa officinalis L., feeding area, profitability of cultivation, cost structure, drip irrigation


An economic evaluation of seedling cultivation of lemon balm under drip irrigation was carried out. The profitability of growing the crop with different number of planted plants per unit area is calculated. It was found that the costs in the first year of growing lemon balm can range from 165.5 to 209.4 thousand UAH/ha, for the second year of cultivation from 154.8 to 171.3 thousand UAH/ha. The highest economic indicators were obtained in the variant with a planting density of 55.6 thousand plants/ha, where the level of profitability was 24% in the first year and 118% in the second year of cultivation. The cost structure is analyzed and the factors that most significantly affect the cost of raw materials are identified. The high efficiency of the seedling method of growing lemon balm in the conditions of drip irrigation as a means of intensification of growing technology is proved.

Author Biography

N. Pryvedeniuk, Research station of medicinal plants, Institute of agroecology and environmental management, NAAS of Ukraine

Candidate of agricultural sciences, departmental technologist of the cultivation of medicinal plants


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