Features of dynamics of the Ingul river aquatic environment parameters during the summer low-water period





Ingul River ecosystem, summer low-water period, ecological status assessment, stenobiont approach


Global climate change causes changes in the humidification regime and, as a result, makes adjustments to economic activities and features of water use. In the context of Ukraine, against the background of climate change, the runoff of most ukrainian rivers is declining, which especially in the low-water period exacerbates the issue of balanced use of ecosystem services of aquatic ecosystems and prioritization of needs during resource allocation, control of rivers and establishment of their functioning. Therefore, recognizing the strategic importance of freshwater ecosystems in ensuring sustainable regional and national development, the Ingul River study focused on assessing its ecological status in order to identify sources of negative anthropogenic impacts and general ecosystem distortions that may affect the functional integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. Thus, on the basis of field research, the assessment of the ecological condition of the Ingul River in the lower course was carried out in the work. Regularities of pH dynamics and mineralization of the water environment are established. The limits of the spatial influence of the sea waters of the Bug estuary on the Ingul River have been clarified, the continental advance of which (upstream) can be largely attributed to the regulation of runoff. The same processes, as a consequence, affect not only biodiversity, but also the features of industrial and domestic water use. Using the stenobiont approach, the level of ecological safety of the Ingul ecosystem in the lower reaches was assessed. Based on the obtained results of stenobioindication, the zoning of the lower reaches of the Ingul River is proposed, which compares quite well with the results of pH and mineralization measurements. Natural factors that may affect the intensity and quality of self-healing properties of the aquatic ecosystem upstream have also been identified.

Author Biographies

Ye. Bezsonov, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Candidate of Technical Science

D. Krysinska, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

викладач кафедри екології

R. Rossol, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University



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