Protection of water resources of the Carpathian region from pollution and negative consequences and their impact on human health




water resources, surface waters, aquatic environment, hydrography, environment


Theoretical and practical issues of water resources of the Carpathian region are considered. An analysis of available water resources, use, sources and scale of pollution, their protection against pollution and adverse effects and the impact of these factors on human health. The development of production and improper conduct of economic activity by the relevant people, during which it began to use more and more natural resources, led to imbalances in the natural environment, which, in turn, led to a violation of the economic situation. This exacerbates the attention to economic problems and, above all, to the reduction of non-renewable raw materials and energy resources, to environmental pollution and loss of clean water, catastrophic reduction of fresh water, fertile land, many species of plants and animals, to preserve the necessary quality of the environment. the main thing, in the end, to the impact of all negative environmental factors on human health.

Author Biographies

G. Gutsulyak, Pre-Carpathian State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian Region

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS

Yu. Gutsulyak, Pre-Carpathian State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian Region

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher


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