Financial potential of state forestry of Small Polis­sya of Ukraine in providing balanced forest land use.




forest land, financial potential, profitability, balanced land use


In the analysis of the financial potential of state forestries of Small Polissya of Ukraine, applied a system of profitability indicators was used in the context of ensuring balanced use of forest lands, which includes: return on assets, return on EBIDTA, return on gross profit, return on net profit. It is investigated that today the potential of financial provision of balanced forest land use of the territory of Small Polissya of Ukraine is not used at a sufficient level. In the study the example of state forestries of Small Polissya of Ukraine proved the need to diversify the sources of financial support for the processes of modernization, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of fixed assets in forestry. Proposed and scientifically grounded theoretical approaches to the expansion and intensification of financial provision of state forestries of Small Polissya of Ukraine with balanced use of forest lands. The choice of forestry enterprises took into account the factor of their geographical location in the area of the Small Polissya of Ukraine, so that in further research it was possible to conduct a pan-Ukrainian analysis on a national and land scale.

Author Biography

S. Dankevych, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS



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