Economic component in the field of livestock as a factor of formation of sustainable development in the context of rural areas




sustained development, social development, environmental condition of the territory, livestock efficiency, economical efficiency


The article deals with the problems of the influence of the livestock sector on the formation of sustainable development of rural areas. It is emphasized that currently global problems have formed in the world, namely: differentiation in living standards between developed countries and ‘third world’ countries, significant differentiation of income levels among most countries, environmental pollution, limited and reduced easily accessible natural resources, degradation of agricultural lands. Today, the principles of sustainable development are recognized as strategic directions for the development of the sector by the world’s leading countries. In the process of research, dialectical methods of cognition of processes and phenomena, monographic method (analysis of views on the concept of sustainable development), abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions) were used. The article addresses the problems of the influence of the livestock sector on the formation of sustainable development of rural areas. A brief overview of approaches and principles for the interpretation of the concept of ‘sustainable development’ was conducted. It is noted that the current situation in rural areas is critical in terms of, first of all, social and environmental problems. The livestock sector should become one of the elements of their solution. It is noted that its development allows not only to diversify production, but also to improve the social situation and solve certain environmental problems. The authors give their own definition of rural development as a development that provides an increase in the level and quality of life of rural residents with the provision of their social needs and the ability to pass on the natural biodiversity of the respective areas to future generations. It is emphasized that this definition combines economic, social and environmental development.
The key principles of the state policy in development of rural territories on the principles of susta­inable development with allocation of its constituent elements are formulated. Measures for sustainable development of rural areas through the support of the livestock sector as one of the components of agricultural production are proposed. It is noted that intensive production is possible today, provided that the optimal ratio of the structure of land use and the presence of the livestock sector in the structure of production is maintained.

Author Biographies

V. Moskalenko, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Chair of Marketing, PR Technologies and Logistics

V.P. Kolosha, Private Agricultural Enterprise ‘Piskivske’



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