Scientific bases of classification of arable lands on productivity of soils for cultivation of the basic agricultural crops




suitability, soils, agrobiological conditions, crops, scales


The article highlights the theoretical and methodological approaches to the classification of arable land by the suitability of soils for growing major crops, which are based on environmentally friendly use of agricultural land, which is now considered as the basis for the development of society as a whole. Methodological basis of this doctrine is the demands of plants to environmental factors, the need for various resources (light, heat, humidity, etc.) and their response to their combination of conditions, including the idea of optimum, ecological amplitudes of limiting factors, plasticity or adaptation. The ecological assessment of the territory itself is considered as a suitability for intensive (ie as part of arable soils) use and as an assessment of the fertility factors inherent in this territory. This is an analysis of the territory in terms of compliance of factors with the basic requirements of plants. When the requirements of plants do not meet the external conditions, the question arises about the unsuitability of the territory for the plant or the need to adapt the conditions to plants or, conversely, plants to environmental conditions. Until now, scientific and practical work on this issue was aimed at determining the relationship of indicators-scores or non-cost indicators. In this case, we are talking about the concomitant study of a set of natural conditions, ie the ecosphere, in relation to the agrobiological characteristics of certain plant species, including crops. The solution of this problem is recommended in the following stages: carrying out natural-agricultural zoning of the territory; generalization of agrobiological requirements of plants to the environment; agro-climatic substantiation of placement of agricultural crops and allocation of zones of their cultivation; development of soil assessment scales in accordance with the cultivation of crops; development of tables of classifications of arable lands according to the suitability of soils for growing major crops; determining the suitability of land, analysis of the actual location of crops and opportunities for improvement.

Author Biographies

D. Dobriak, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS

O. Drebot, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS

P. Melnyk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Senior Research Fellow


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