Ecological and economic integration of land use in the agrosphere of the Carpathian region
greening of land use, balanced development, environment, ecological crisis, integrated land use systemAbstract
The urgency of solving environmental, economic and social problems requires a radical turn in the direction of scientific and technological progress. Now the efforts of science and technology should focus on the greening of technological processes, the introduction of non-destructive, non-polluting, resource-saving and environmentally friendly types of equipment and technology, methods of organizing production, forms of management and more. Environmental, environmentally friendly and resource-saving directions of scientific and technological progress should be a priority in all economic branches and fields. At the same time, a radical restructuring of nature management, especially land use, and their comprehensive measures in solving problems of nature protection, which is an extremely complex, unified, integrated system, must be carried out.
In developing a set of measures to ensure the greening of environment, and especially land use, it is proposed to widely use the results of scientific and technological progress without ignoring such objective factors as depletion of certain natural resources, especially non-renewable, environmental vulnerability, its environmental stability and ecological capacity, limits of ecological durability and resistance.
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