The assessment of the environmental impact of the waste sludge and hazardous chemicals in the arroyo of Yasynov city of Kamyanske




ecological assessment, tailings pond, maximum permissible concentration, heavy metals, groundwater


The main structures of tailings and sludge facilities are tailings and sludge storage facilities, tailings and sludge hydraulic transportation facilities and circulating water supply facilities. Therefore, the assessment of the environmental impact of the sludge storage of waste and hazardous chemicals in the Yasinova arroyo of the city of Kamyanske is an urgent task for scientists and workers of the ore-processing industrial enterprises.

The aim of the work is to assess the impact on the environment of the sludge storage of waste and hazardous chemicals in the Yasinova arroyo of the city of Kamyanske. The object of the study is the process of environmental pollution due to the activity of sludge from waste and hazardous chemicals in the Yasinova arroyo of the city of Kamyanske. The research subject is the reduction of the level of environmental pollution during the activity of the sludge storage’s waste and hazardous chemicals in the Yasinova arroyo of the city of Kamyanske. The initial data of the laboratory analysis of water samples were provided by the laboratory of OJSC Dniproazot. Regulatory and technical documentation is provided by the Department of Environmental Protection of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the city of Kamyanske. The ecological situation in Kamyanske has long been characterized as a crisis. A significant excess of geochemical parameters of some elements in soils was recorded. Particular attention should be paid to the content of Ce and REE in the polymineral substance of tailings. Exceedances of the maximum concentration limits of Ni and Cu in the Konoplyanka River, which flows in the immediate vicinity of the tailings; which suggests an assumption that there is a migration of these elements from the tailings with groundwater and their accumulation near the river.

Author Biographies

G. Vovkodav, Odesa State Environmental University

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assistant Professor

О. Chernyakova, Odesa State Environmental University

Senior Lecturer

К. Shcherbina, Odesa State Environmental University



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